Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Happy Halloween

I hope everyone is having a great week. I wanted to give everyone a quick update.

We had a small class this week for the final week of the stewardship campaign and then went to the single worship service in the tent as a class. We pick back up with the couples study this week. If you were not there please make sure to send in your pledge card to the church or turn it in next time you are at church.

Suzanne asked for your prayers for her during class as she let us know that she is going through a divorce. Please keep her in your thoughts. I feel very grateful that she is so involved in our class and the church and has a great christian network to help her through this very difficult time. I was glad to hear that she will still be coming to our class and continuing to give us such great insight which I'm sure will only grow as she continues through seminary.

Also just to let everyone know the Eidson's, Meghan and Baron, let us know that they have found some other niche's in the church and will not be members of our class going forward. I know they are very involved with the youth program now and that it is a great fit for them. We will be reaching out to them this week as well to make sure they know they can always lean on us if they need anything.

Have a Happy Halloween and look forward to seeing everyone Sunday. The Rushings and Oldhams are on breakfast duty. I believe Dan will be in class as I am likely traveling this weekend.


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