Monday, April 26, 2010

Dinners for Six

Here is the new Dinners for Six list. We are trying to have the groups get together in May or June. If anyone needs help with babysitting just let me know. The top name is the group organizer.






Sunday, April 25, 2010

Today we started off a new study on John 3:16 by Max Lucado. We had some interesting conversation this morning and next week Chad will led the discussion.

Happy 12th Anniversary to Chris and Erin today April 25th!
Happy Birthday to Amy April 29th!

Joys & Concerns:
A wonderful joy for our class, Angie & Victor are expecting their third child at the end of October.

Michael is recovering well from his knee surgery.

Today we got to welcome back both Ashlea & Jason to class along with sweet Miss Allyson.

Lesley's parents' pastor, Jim, is having some health issues and undergoing medical tests.

Martha had an episode of pluralsey this week and is thankfully recovered.

Erica has concerns for Ron, who has been diagnosed with congestive heart failure.

Two Become One Picnic set for Sunday May 23rd from 4-6pm.

Thank you to all who helped fill the Christmas Joy in Peru boxes.

Have a great week,

Monday, April 19, 2010

Today John Richardson visited again to complete his discussion on the Holy Spirit. Next Sunday Wayne will be starting us on our new study John 3:16.

Happy 5th Anniversary to Karla & Keenan on April 23rd!

Joys & Concerns:

Emily W. is getting over a cold.

Michael is having ACL repair surgery on Thursday.

Missions: If you need further information about our Chirstmas Joy in Peru boxes please email Victor We need the filled boxes in class this Sunday April 25th.

Social: We will be having a class picnic on Sunday May 23rd from 4-6pm, location is TBA. And Wayne is will be sending out the dinners for list six later this week.

Have a great week,

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hi all...

Just wanted to pass along some information from the daytime VBS director, Liz Jackson. This should also apply to evening VBS. Sunday the 18th (8:30 - Noon) is the last day to sign up to volunteer and you can also register your kids at that time. Laura Barr can chat with you and help you find the "right spot" on the ship to volunteer.

As a heads up:
Payment must be cash or check. No children are officially registered, regardless of parent(s) volunteer status, without complete payment.

T-shirts & CDs are $6 each this year. Supply fee is still $10 per child with a $30 maximum per family.

Our registration missions collection (that little $2 x ___ at the bottom of the card) goes to the Sr. High Mission Trip ~ Camp CRUMY for backpacks for the Crossville, TN children whom they serve and supplies, materials, etc.

I'll be at the table from 9:15 - 10:00 and after class if you want to stop by. Hope to see you there.

Thanks, Janessa

Sunday, April 11, 2010

We had a great class today with John Richardson visiting with us about the Holy Spirit. John will be us next Sunday to continue this discussion. Also today we had visitors Suzanne and Paul join us. After class we met up at Mooyah Burger for awesome burgers and a chance to visit with each other.

**Happy Birthday to Erica April 14th**
**Happy Birthday to Sarah April 17th**

Joy & Concerns
Chris' sister, Allie, is in the hospital and will have an ultrasound on Monday to try and determine the cause of her illness.

Chad and Lesley's former college professor was diagnosed with liver cancer.

Martha's father was dealing with some medical issues. He is on medication now and doing better.

Amy's sister in law is facing a tough decision and Amy asks that we keep her in our prayers.

The next social is planned for Sunday May 23rd. After class we are going to have a picnic lunch. Also in the next couple of weeks Wayne will send out the list for another round of dinners for six.

Have a great week,