Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Officer Nominations for 2008

It's that time of year - officer nominations for 2008. I will keep nominations open through class on the 2nd due to Thanksgiving travels and we will have people vote the next week and announce the new officers on the 16th.

First and foremost thanks to all of the officers this year for their time and hard work. I think we did some great things this year thanks to all of their hard work and being open to the suggestions of the class and past leadership who are all very interested in making us a better class for Custer Road and His goals for us. An extra special thanks to Dan and Jarod (and their spouses) and of course Ashlea. I've had kind of a crazy year and they really helped make sure we formed a great vision of what we wanted to do and worked to get that accomplished.

Also this year I'd like to add two new things to the voting if everyone is in agreement. The first is a class historian. Ginny took this role and much more on unofficially the second half of this year and it really made a big difference in helping unify our class and make sure we are staying in touch with all our members. Secondly a new class description and a mission statement. We need to define our position in the church based on our current goals and class members not those from 5 years ago.

If you can email your nominations to me directly with Nominations in the subject line I would appreciate it.

Here's the positions. I tried to put a quick description of responsibilities since we have a number of new members.

1. President - Leads class weekly and helps form direction for class. Works with church adult education staff to make sure we are on same page as the church. ('07 - Lincoln, '06 - Wayne)

2. Vice President/Curriculum - Responsible for spritual direction of class by selecting curriculum and coordinating teachers. ('07 - Dan, '06 Rushing)

3. Treasurer - Collects weekly offering and manages class account and responsibilites including gifts back to church, missions gifts and funds for special class needs. ('07 - Jarod, '06 - Chris)

4. Missions - Responsible for coordinating approximately 6 mission activities per year, some in person and some through gifts and donations. Works with past mission officers for extenal mission project. ('07 - Martha, '06 - Karla)

5. Social - To bring class closer outside of the classroom. Coordinates 6 activities per year, ideally in opposite months from missions activities ranging from couples only to family events. ('07 - Brett/Ginny, '06 - Dan)

6. Membership - Works with visitors and new members to make sure they feel welcomed. Maintains class membership and information. Reaches out to members who we haven't seen in a while. Random note: Janessa had a great idea for this that we might want to try to do next year and invite visitors go to lunch with a member or a couple of members to help them feel part of the group. ('07 - Erin, '06 - Janessa or Ginny ???)

7. Pastoral - Joys and Concerns. Coordinate flowers and class meals for those with loss, hospitalization, newborns and other major life events. ('07 Karlan, '06 - Sarah?)

8. Historian - Maintains team website and communications so members who have missed for some time can still feel in the loop. Coordinates pictures and room decoration. ('07 Ginny)

i. Class Description & Mission - write up one you like and I'll try to take the best couple or best few ideas and give us a few options to decide on.

Ok. That is all I have for one day. Thanks again. Send your emails to And make sure to thank all this years officers when you see them. It's been a great year.


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