Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Announcement update, etc

Hello Everyone - just a quick update from last Sunday's SS announcements.....

- I received some additional information on the new bus greeter recruitment that is currently going on:

Hospitality In Action ~ Become a Bus Greeter Rev. Dickson and his staff are asking your classes to consider being greeters on our Sunday morning buses. There will be 2 shifts: 9:20 to 9:50 and 10:35 to 11:05. We would like three people to volunteer to greet people getting onto buses, ride the bus with them and answer anyone's questions, help them off the bus, ride the bus back, and start over again. We run three buses, so one person per bus. It would be great if your class would take one shift for one month. Please consider giving it a try.

Please let me know if you are interested in volunteering and I would be more than happy to coordinate a month for us. Also, they have set up a volunteer recrutiment table located under the new member picture board near the sanctuary where they are currently recruiting members to be door greeters, Welcome Center volunteers, parking lot greeters, or bus greeters.

- Spread the Word T-shirts will be available again this week in Fellowship Hall for anyone who did not get one last Sunday - they are FREE and all you have to do is commit to wearing it once a week for one month into the community. The Spread the Word store will be in FH the next 2 Sundays selling Custer Road merchandise - you have until April 28 to place orders for delivery sometime in May (try to check it out if you can - they have some pretty neat stuff for sale).

- Bring a Friend Sunday is April 27th w/ receptions following all 3 services in room 130 (more information to come).

Everyone have a great week!


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