Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Game Night Social - Saturday May 17th

Greetings everyone! By popular demand, our next social will be game night - video games that is. Jason and Ashlea are so kind to lend us their house, however, we will need to provide whatever games we want to play (anything from 1970 to current) and maybe a couple of extra tv's. Also, please start getting your babysitters lined up because this one is for the parents to get away and play for a little while! Since we are planning on eating dinner, when you RSVP go ahead and put down a side dish, dessert, drinks that you would like to bring. For the main course we will either have pizza or if Jarod agrees to cook, bar-be-que. Either way, we will need for each couple to throw in a few bucks (I'll let you know a $ when we get closer to the time). Let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks, Sherrye

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