Sunday, May 18, 2008

Joys & Concerns

Hello-everyone. Here are your joys & concerns for the week:

- We were blessed to have visitors this Sunday as John & Mary Dickson visited our class! Welcome to Allen and CRUMC!
- Baby Rachael sat up and roller over for the 1st time - congratulations Paul and Martha!
- Dan is traveling to Chicago on Tuesday. Please pray for safe travels.
- Jarod is leaving for San Diego this Sunday afternoon for work training and Sara will be flying out later in the week to celebrate their wedding anniversary on 5/26! Please pray for safe travels and congratulations on upcoming anniversary!
- The Rushings put a contract on a house in Atlanta while they officially put their house on the market in Allen. Please pray for a smooth transition, sale, and closing.
- The Hazelwoods house continues to be on the market. Please pray for a smooth transition, sale, and closing.
- The Rodriguezs will be celebrating upcoming birthdays as Jason turns 5 on 5/22 and Justin turns 1 on 5/25.
- The Nasers will be celebrating thier 8th wedding anniversary on 5/27 and Shelby will be turning 2 on 5/30.
- Please pray for those traveling this week and into the Memorial Day weekend.

This Sunday, we continued our "5 Love Needs....." relationship study. Sarah led our lesson on friendship/spiritual intimacy in our marriage. Thank you Sarah!

Thank you again to The Lincolns for hosting the Game Night social last night and for Sherrye for setting up the details. Everyone had a great time and look forward to doing this again!

Also - hot off the press are the new TwoBecomeOne "business"cards (thank you Chad W. for creating these)! Please feel free to pick up a handful (they are located on the back table) to hand out to visitors and to spread the word about CRUMC and TwoBecomeOne!

Next Sunday we continue our "5 Love Needs..." reationship study and the topic of discussion will be Encouragement. We will be out of town next week so we look forward to seeing everyone the following Sunday!

Take care.


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