Thursday, October 16, 2008

This Sunday - Special Visit from Stewardship Committee

Hello gang & greetings from SC!

Just a quick reminder that this Sunday, 10/19, we will have an individual from the CRUMC Stewardship committee come visit our class at approx. 10:35 a.m. As part of this year's stewardship theme centered around Hope and Transformation, the Stewardship team is taking about 5 minutes at the end of each SS class to:

- thank each class for its participation and support
- handout an overview of the major budget categories and growth opportunities available at CRUMC
- ask each class to continue to support God's Kingdom with their prayers, presence, gifts, and service so that we can bring about Hope and Transformation

I hope everyone can make it this Sunday and make our visitor(s) feel welcome. We look forward to getting back in town and settled and seeing everyone next Sunday.

Take care


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