Monday, November 10, 2008

11/9 - J&C's

Hello gang-

This past Sunday we continued our study on the book of Galatians. We had a good lesson/discussion on Chapter 2 and afterwards went out for pizza for our monthly 2nd Sunday luncheon. Next week we will continue our Galatians study with Chapter 3.

Please keep the following in your prayers:

- Michelle Taylor has a student, Eric (15 yrs old), who is scheduled for surgery 11/20 to help heal a sore on his leg. Please pray for quick healing and recovery.

- Kenan's grandma fell and is currently in a Ft. Worth hospital with a leg would and kidney failure. Please pray for quick healing and recovery. Kenan's parents are also in town searching for a home for her. Please keep Keenan's family in your prayers during this stressful time/transition.

- Jason Lincoln has a nephew that unexpectedly dropped out of college and moved to San Antonio. Please keep Jason's nephew in your prayers and pray he seeks God for guidance.

- Cindy Haley recently had another miscarriage. Please continue to keep John and Cindy in your prayers and pray for God to comfort the Haleys during these hard and unfortunate times.

- Jason Lax returns from Korea this Friday. Please pray for safe travels.

- The Nasers will be travelling the next two weekends. Please pray for safe travels.

Looking Ahead:

Saturday, 11/15, 7-9 a.m. Fellowship Hall - United Methodist Men Breakfast and Meeting
Sunday, November 30 - First Sunday of Advent
Saturday, December 6 - TwoBecomeOne Christmas Dinner (Time:TBD Location:TBD)

Have a great week!


For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus (Galatians 3:26)

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