Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Officer Elections

Gang - All nominee responses have been gathered and ballots finalized for the upcoming term (Jan '09 - Sept '09). Please only vote for one individual per office.

President -Chad Wood, Michael Wilkins, Jason Lincoln
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Vice President - Jason Lincoln, Karla Allison

Treasurer - Ashlea Lincoln, Jarod Oldham

Missions - Karla Allison, Wayne Rodriguez

Social - Lesley Wood, Ashlea Lincoln, Chad Wood, Jason Lax

Membership - Jason Lax, Lesley Wood, Ashlea Lincoln

Pastoral - Eileen Glover, Karla Allison, Ashlea Lincoln, Martha Kuykendall

Historian - Janessa Wilkins, Keenan Allison, Sarah Oldham, Chad Wood, Jason Lax

Also, just a quick note we will be traveling (again) this upcoming weekend so I just want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and safe travels to all traveling next week. We look forward to seeing everyone the following Sunday, 11/30.

Good luck to all candidates!


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