Monday, December 22, 2008

Sarah update

Hello All,

The Oldham's asked us to pass along word of how Sarah and the twins are doing. They postponed their trip to Ohio this year because the doctors saw some changes in Sarah and wanted to watch over the weekend. When they went this morning her cervix had gotten smaller which can be an indicator of early labor so they admitted her into Plano Presby as a precaution.

All the tests came back negative and she appears to be doing fine and not in any immediate risk of delivery. They gave her a steroid shot today and she will have one more tomorrow to be on the safe side and then should be going home.

The doctors said the twin girls look great. Jarod & Sarah asked us to let everyone know so we can all keep them in our prayers over the next weeks and month or two so the twins continue on such a good track and stay put for a little longer.

Jason & Ashlea

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