Sunday, January 11, 2009

Joys and Concerns for Sunday 1/11/09

Today we began a new study on Transformation and Karla led a wonderful lesson on a “New Heart”.

Please keep the following concerns in your thoughts and prayers this week:

-Keenan was laid off last Wednesday. Please pray for him and Karla during this difficult and stressful time.

-Karla’s father is having surgery on his broken arm this week. Please pray that he has a speedy recovery and for her mom during this challenging time.

-Paul’s boss resigned involuntarily.

-Michael Taylor’s dad is selling his house and his grandmother was ill and in the hospital.
She is back at home now; please pray that she continues to get better.

-Lesley’s grandmother has moved to a home for Alzheimer’s patients. Please pray for Lesley and her family during this transition.

-Continued prayers for the Oldham family.

Here are the joys for the week:

-Paul has the opportunity to assume additional responsibilities at work, including re-staffing.

-Paul and Martha’s daughter, Rachel turns 1!

Have a wonderful week everyone!

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