Thursday, January 1, 2009


Pics of the Oldham babies.

Emily Jane (1 lbs. 15 oz.)

Ann Elizabeth (3 lb.s, 4 oz.)

Dad & Emily
Here's a couple pics of the girls for everyone interested. They are both doing amazing. Ann is getting supplemented a little bit of oxygen but is breathing mostly on her own and Emily despite her little size is going completely on her own with just an IV and feeding tube. They seem to be doing great and the parents and grandparents are all very proud, if not a little tired.
They asked for a little time today to catch up on rest and enjoy the time with their family before they leave in the next two days. Sarah will be going home on Sunday and the twins are expected to stay until close to their original due date in March.
They send their thanks and look forward to showing everyone the kiddos very soon!

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