Thursday, January 29, 2009

Upcoming Sunday Lesson - A Sneak Peak

Gang - hope everyone is having a great week! As we continue our Transformation study I just wanted to post a quick sneak peak in anticipation of this Sundays lesson. This Sundays lesson is titled Transformation: A New Voice and we will learn the importance of letting the Holy Spirit transform our tongues, voices, and mouths.

- Words have the power to devastate and destroy.
- God's desire is for us to use our voices to worship Him and build each other up.
- God wants us to learn how to identify hurtful patterns of speech so we can get them out of our mouths.
- God wants us to use the awesome power of our voices for good.

Here are some discussion questions we will dive into this Sunday:

- Share a time someone spoke words that had a positive or negative impact on you.

- Share about a time you spoke words that had a powerfully positive or negative impact on someone else.

Bible reading - James 3:3-12

- In the above passage, what are the images that James portrays as the human tongue? What is James trying to communicate through these images?

- In verse 6-8 James has some tough things to say about our words and their impact. If you agree with his harsh assessment, explain why. Or if you think James is overstating his case, explain why.

Sharpening the Focus:

- If you have a person in your life who you have hurt with your words, what do you need to do to make things right with this person?

- Share about a person in your life who has consistently used their words to encourage and build you up. How has this person impacted your life?

- Who is one person you need to encourage and build up with your words?

Additional bible readings - Proverbs 10:19, 17:28, and 15:1.

Have a great remainder of the week and see you Sunday!


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