Thursday, March 5, 2009

Missions Update

1) The food drive is still going on in Fellowship Hall. Cans can be placed in the containers by the doughnut tables. If you drop anything off, please remember to place a blank post it note in the collection bucket of our class so I can keep the tally. I didn't find any last week.

2) In Fellowship Hall you will also see a used cell phone drive as well.

3) I am not delivering the items for the clothing drive unitl 4/1 so there is still time if you have anything. Place them under the table in the room and I'll pick them up there. Thanks to everyone who has particitpated so far.

4) Mission Blitz is in April. I was thinking this year we'd get back to Amigo's Day's on April 24. If we get a large enough interest, I'd like to form a group, to stay in Plano to Baby sit for any of those couples who would like to both go. Need some help and input on this one though. Please email me.


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