Monday, September 21, 2009

October Missions

(1) Our main mission this month will be Collin County Meals on Wheels Fall Harvest Boxes. Basically this is a copy box filled with grocery items such as soups, peanut butter, tuna, soap, toilet paper, etc. They have asked to please buy pull top cans whenever possible. Because of the logistics involved and the limited storage space they have, they have a specific list to use.

We decided as a class this past Sunday to put together 2 boxes. One box we will take the funds from the treasury and class members will collect the items for the second box. I will pass around a list next Sunday and you can put your name next to the item(s) you will be donating to the box. Please bring your items to class no later than October 11th. They have asked us to decorate the copy boxes as well. So if any of you would like to do that please let me know.

(2) The bloomobiles will be here on October 18th. If any of you are going to donate blood please let me know.

(3) Also they are collecting Halloween Costumes. So if you want to contribute to that please bring the costumes to class and I will get them to the correct people.

Thanks and have a great week!


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