Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hi all...

Just wanted to pass along some information from the daytime VBS director, Liz Jackson. This should also apply to evening VBS. Sunday the 18th (8:30 - Noon) is the last day to sign up to volunteer and you can also register your kids at that time. Laura Barr can chat with you and help you find the "right spot" on the ship to volunteer.

As a heads up:
Payment must be cash or check. No children are officially registered, regardless of parent(s) volunteer status, without complete payment.

T-shirts & CDs are $6 each this year. Supply fee is still $10 per child with a $30 maximum per family.

Our registration missions collection (that little $2 x ___ at the bottom of the card) goes to the Sr. High Mission Trip ~ Camp CRUMY for backpacks for the Crossville, TN children whom they serve and supplies, materials, etc.

I'll be at the table from 9:15 - 10:00 and after class if you want to stop by. Hope to see you there.

Thanks, Janessa

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