Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Christmas Progressive Dinner - December 1st

Find below listed what we have so far in terms of volunteers to host/bring food. If you are not hosting, please reply in the comments which needed area you are willing to help with food. Though we are trying to keep the dinner in the Plano area, we are one house short. As of now, the Rushings will host that course, but if anyone in the Plano area would like to volunteer, please feel free! (Hosts listed in blue)

Appetizers (5:30-6:30)

1. Allison - Berger

2. Rodriguez - Wilkins

3. Rushing - Hazelwood

Soup/Salad/Bread (6:45-8:30)

1. Kuykendall - Lincoln, Taylor

2. Oldham - Wood, Garcia

3. Compton - Naser, Glover

Dessert (8:45)

1. Lax - Haley, Rodriguez, Johnson

If your name is not listed above, please RSVP in the comments listing what you would like to bring. Each soup/salad/bread house will coordinate with their food helpers as to what they will be having. Soup is a vague way of saying "something easy from a crock pot." Don't create too much work for yourself, keep it simple, and remember how much we will be eating at appetizers and dessert!

Addresses and groups will be sent later in an email, as I don't want to put people's addresses on the website.


Anonymous said...

I can bring an appetizer.
Looking forward to it! =)
-Suzanne Berger

Anonymous said...

We can help out with whatever we need. Let me know what has the least help: appitizers, soups, or desserts.

The Hazelwoods

Anonymous said...

We can bring a dish too. Just put us down wherever you need something!

The Woods

Janessa said...

We can help Julie w/ appetizers or somewhere else where needed.

Eileen Glover said...

Brett and I will be at the Christmas party. We are glad to bring whatever you need us too!
Thank you for coordinating this.

The Glovers

Anonymous said...

We can bring whatever too.

Anonymous said...

We can bring whatever is needed

the Garcia's