Monday, November 17, 2008

Holiday Missions Blitz

Ok, gang! It's that time of year. The holiday's have arrived and it's time to make a final push through the end of the year for missions. Tax write-off, feel good action, get off Santa's naughty list, whatever the motivation I think this year we can all agree our missions are probably more needed than ever.

We have 3 things going on right now:
1. November coat drive. Bring your used coats to class any Sunday in November and they will go to a local shelter to help keep the homeless warm through the winter. As we discussed in class, the church is not having a church-wide food drive for Thanksgiving so we are doing this instead.

2. Head Start Adopt-a-Family - due Dec. 7th - We have two families, info below. We are asking for two couples per person but may amend that depending on response.
- Family of 5: Emily Juarez & her two sisters and mother & father
- Family of 3: Dave Franco & his mother & father

3. Friday Night Friends Holiday Banquet (Friday Dec. 5th) - FNF is holding it's annual Christmas party on the 5th of next month. They will be feeding 140 kits and 110 parents and our counting on SS classes to help feed the crowd. Food & Drink will need to be dropped off at the church before 5 p.m. on the 5th. If you're interested in helping setup, serve or clean that is also available. Sign-up info is below.

Thanks everyone. I know it hasn't been the best missions year but we have an opportunity to close out strong. - Jason

Head Start:
Dave Franco (Age 4) - 1. Glover, 2. Burkett
Carina Franco (Mom) - 1. Hlavaty's, 2. __________
Nimrod Franco (Dad) - 1. Lincoln's, 2. Oldham

Elizabeth Juarez (Age 6) - 1. Kuykendall's, 2. _________
Emily Juarez (Age 5) - 1. Lax's, 2. Wilkins
Sophia Juarez (18 months) - 1. Garcia's, 2. Naser
Aurelia Juarez (Mom) - 1. Allison's, 2. Compton's
Esdras Juarez (Dad) - 1. Wood's, 2. ________

Friday Night Friends Banquet: (We don't have to fill this list but if you have the time sign up where you can).
Setup (5-6 p.m.):
Serve (6:30-8:30):
Cleanup (8:30-9:30):

Sandwich Platters: Oldham's
Vegetable Platters: Hlavaty's
Fruit Platters: Wilkin's
Cheese or Meat Platters:
Cookies/Dessert: Wood's, Kuykendall's
Rolls/chips: Allison's
2 Liter Softdrinks: Compton's


Dan said...

We will sign up for Sophia Juarez (18 months) for the head start adopt-a-family. Thank you for coordinating!

Anonymous said...

We'll sign up for Dave Franco (4 year old) for the head start adopt-a-family.
Sarah and Nick

Janessa said...

We will take Emily Juarez (age 5) for Head Start. Please let us know when you need the gifts by and if they should be wrapped.

We can bring a fruit platter for the FNF party.

Thanks! :)

Janessa said...

Does one couple bring toys and the other clothes (for kids)? Sorry we missed on Sunday and this may have been discussed.

Anonymous said...

We'll help the Lincoln's with Nimrod (dad). Also, we can bring a sandwich tray for the Friday Night Friends on the 5th.

Jason said...

I will update the posts accordingly. Thanks for quick responses everyone. As far as the coordination, I will send out the list of itmes they are interested in probably after this next Sunday to both couples and let the couples coordinate together.

Unknown said...

We can do Elizabeth Juarez and bring a cheese and meat tray for FNF.

-The Taylors